Flying Solo! 7 Perks of Traveling Baby-less 

Like many new moms, I debated when was the right time to go away without our baby. 3 months? 6 months?… More

Must-Haves: 0-3 Months

Motherhood comes with all sorts of challenges. You’re constantly trying to figure it out and quite bluntly, not screw it… More

Happy Friday from Chloé

[wpvideo faLIf6h7]Friday’s are our day together and nothing can beat it! Have a great weekend! More

Chloé’s Christening: Part 2, The Celebration 

We knew we wanted to do something special for Chloé’s baptism and decided to host a lunch at our home…. More

Chloé’s Christening: Part I, Godparents  

This past Sunday, our daughter was baptized. Both Bill and I were raised Catholic so we knew we wanted our… More

Welcome, Chloé Renee

Our angel is finally here! Chloé Renee, born March 14, 2016. 5 pounds, 2 oz. 19” long. And just like… More