Not Every Path is Meant to be Followed
March 3, 2020 No Comments
Category: MS, Motherhood, No Category, PersonalTags: Career Path, MS, SocialChow, motherhood, multiple sclerosis
I grew up with the mentality that after you completed college, that you naturally start to climb the corporate ladder – first an internship, then your first real job, from there you work hard and push for promotion after promotion ‘til you reach the top. As a linear thinker and goal setter, the thought of veering off that path was unfathomable to me. But that’s until I had to.
After 10 years of corporate life, I quit my job after an unexpected diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and a new baby because I knew I needed to focus on my health and my family.
Let me tell you, the fear and anxiety of that decision was all-consuming and made me question everything I thought I knew. But that time away also gave me the time and space I needed to re-think my priorities, focus on my health and figure out how I could achieve professional success while balancing my newfound disease, family and my goal of being an involved mom.
That scary, unfathomable decision lead me to @SocialChow, my social media marketing business I started 3 years ago this month.
Starting my own business allowed me freedom and flexibility – the ability to choose where and when I work, how much, and who I work for. I could use my time strategically and efficiently to focus on my strengths and interests, leading me to not only work-life balance and happiness, but more success than I would’ve ever imagined.
So as scary as it is to venture off the path you know and trust, also know that it could be worth it. Taking the time and space to emotionally and physically let go of your norm can lead you to a career that’s more fulfilling, exciting and even allows you to balance all of the other parts of your life that make you, you.
So, now I am celebrating 3 years of the professional career I never knew I always wanted.
3 years of choosing who I want to partner with to help build their brands.
3 years of creating my own schedule, based around my needs and family.
3 years of learning, development and self-reflection that have made me a better marketer, manager and entrepreneur.
3 years of putting my top priorities – my family and my health first, because without them in tact, nothing else matters.