Downloadable Chore Chart for Kids

September 1, 2020 No Comments

Category: Motherhood, Parenting
Tags: Chore chart, Morning routine, Toddler

School is almost back in session and I’m all about getting organized and welcoming more structure back into our days.

I’ve put together this chore chart for Chloe to make our mornings more seamless. Within the chart, I’ve outlined the responsibilities that Chloe needs to do every morning – get dressed, brush teeth, brush hair, pick up clothes / toys off of the floor and put clothes in hamper. Once she finishes all of them, she is allowed to have her iPad with breakfast (a big incentive for her!). Chloe likes to add check marks when she completes a task and clean the sheet at the end of the week. We leave the chore chart on her dresser and make sure we address it every morning before we move onto breakfast.

Rather than printing the same document every week, I laminated this spreadsheet and use erasable markers, I’ve found this process to be easy and clear!


Make Your Own Chore Chart: Everything you need is below!


Customizable Chore Chart

You can make this chart your own by adding in the chores that are important to you. You can download yours here.


I love this one from Scotch. Super easy to use!

Laminating sheets

Don’t forget the thermal laminating sheets! You’ll need these to laminate anything.


Dry Erase Markers and Eraser

You’ll need this Expo set – markers, eraser and spray.


Good luck! Hope this helps!


Category: Motherhood, Parenting Tags: , , Comments: 0

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